Jill Fehrenbacher
7 September 2009

Everyone knows that hindsight is 20/20, but will we regret our lack of action on climate change in the year 2020? That’s what The Age of Stupid, the groundbreaking film epic from McLibel director Franny Armstrong, wants to sink into the minds of everyone in the world. This brilliant movie, which will kick off UN Climate Week, is opening nationwide on Monday, September 21 at 450+ cinemas simultaneously — and we urge all Inhabitat readers to go see it as soon as you can!

Three years ago I urged readers to go see what I was calling the most important movie of the year: Al Gore’s rousing documentary An Inconvenient Truth. It’s been three years since that movie came out, but despite the groundswell of emotion that was fired up in viewers all over the country, very little progress has been made globally to curb carbon emissions, and much of the good political will that came out of the Inconvenient Truth Era has been clouded by big oil and big coal corporate shills muddying the climate change discussion with climate-change denying blogs and social media campaigns.

With COP15 rapidly approaching in December, now is the perfect time for another media kick-in-the-butt about climate change – and this salvation is arriving in the form of the fabulous film “The Age of Stupid” – which opens in the US on September 21st. The Inhabitat crew will be at the NYC opening on September 21st, and we’d like to invite New York readers to join us!

We’ve been hearing the buzz about “The Age of Stupid” ever since our UK writer Kate Andrews previewed it for us back in May of this year. Then the NYC Inhabitat crew got a chance to get a sneak peek of this provocative film over the summer, and we were simultaneously inspired and scared to death by this dark vision of a post-climate-change world.

We are thrilled to say that the Inhabitat team will be on the scene at the eco-friendly NYC premiere that will take place in a solar cinema tent! Following the viewing, director Franny Armstrong and producer Lizzie Gillet will be joined by eco-luminaries, renowned scientists, celebrities and political figures including Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary-General and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Gillian Anderson, actor and star of “The X Files,” and Pete Postlethwaite, actor and star of “The Age of Stupid” for a live panel discussion at the New York premier event. As a special treat, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke will wrap up the event with an acoustic performance of the film’s title track!

We can’t wait for this exciting and inspirational event, so come join us to watch the film, hear some very influential leaders speak and meet the Inhabitat posse. We’ll be meeting at the Chelsea Cinema at 7pm, and would love to meet up with any and all Inhabitat readers who want to join us. Hurry and can get your tickets here, before they run out!