Franny & Lizzie filming Al

Director Franny Armstrong filming New Orleans born and bred star of the film, Alvin DuVernay on his post-Katrina empty plot in New Orleans. The hurricane completely destroyed his property and the subsequent flooding marinated the remains of his possessions for two weeks. Producer Lizzie Gillett is recording the sound.  Alvin DuVernay, is a paleontogolist helping Shell find more oil off the coast of New Orleans. He also rescued more than 100 people after Hurricane Katrina, which, by 2055, is well known as one of the first “major climate change events”.
Date: December 2006
Location: New Orleans
Copyright: Spanner Films
Credit: Chris Graythen / Spanner Films
Restrictions: Free for use in Age of Stupid-related promotion. No resale.

Franny & Lizzie filming Al