Donate Regular

Spanner Films has always lived a very hand-to-mouth existence - for the first four years Franny didn't get paid at all, then she progressed to a salary of 50 pounds per week and then moved up to minimum wage for the entire five-year Age of Stupid production. So regular donations of anything from 5 pounds/month to 150 pounds/week (the biggest so far) are an absolute lifesafer and mean that we can get on with doing the work rather than spending our time raising funds to do the work.

You can set up a standing order (regular donation), in one of three ways:

1. Call your bank and talk to an advisor
2. Fill in a standing order form (like the one attached at the bottom of this page) and fax it or send it into your bank.
3. Via online banking

The info you'll be needing from us is:

  • Name of Account:      Spanner Films
  • Sort code:                 089299
  • Account number:       69134166
  • Bank:                       Co-operative Bank

Of course you can cancel your standing order at an any time - just contact your bank.

If you do choose to make this awesomely generous commitment, please email us at so that we can shower you with praise and add your name to the list we'll be sending Father Christmas later this year.


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