Mirror mirror on the wall

Location | Mood | Date 5 November 2008
Author (full name): 
Franny Armstrong
5 November 2008

Check out our new poster, I love it so much.

(Hopefully it is attached to this message or this won't make much sense.)

Obviously the shiny bit is going to be a mirror. And there's just a few copyright issues to iron out...

We're already half way to reaching our fundraising total thanks to you lovely people. If anyone would
like to help the film's distribution, but doesn't have a spare ten thousand quid lying around (why ever not?)
you can either make a donation here  http://www.ageofstupid.net/donate
or buy some of our lovely non-consumer consumer items from our new web shop. T-shirts, refillable
water bottles, reuse coffee cups, compost buckets, we kid you not.
and non-consumer in that each one
decreases overall consumption levels.  except the T-shirts, but noone's perfect.

See you