2 days to go... 250 trees planted in Zimbabwe

Location | Mood | Date 20 September 2009
Author (full name): 
Franny Armstrong
20 September 2009

01.48. Sunday morning in New York

Which technically means that the premiere is TOMORROW. But I'm going for "2 days to go..." on the subject header to fool Team Stupid Global Premiere (15 of us in the office right now) that we have more time. 
- Hankies at the ready...  Zimbabwe sold all 250 tickets to their premiere and as the ticket price included the cost of planting a tree, 250 saplings are going in next week. They're thinking of calling it the Not Stupid Forest. 

- Helsinki, Paris, London, New York and almost every cinema seat across the Netherlands has sold out. Though New York has just moved Stupid to the biggest screen in Union Square, so there are 100 new tickets up for grabs as of a few hours ago. Boston has 17 left. 

Rome sold out three screens in just two days (they were latecomers to the party) and are trying to get one more cinema.

- Madagascar and Israel have confirmed, which takes the total number of countries up to 63, even with Nigeria pulling out (see below). Looks like the global audience will be around one million people. And quite a few TV stations are getting in touch wanting to broadcast the whole shebang later. 
- The Nigerian government waded in and pulled the plug on our Lagos screening. Funnily enough they didn't like the way they were depicted in the film, destroying villages, siphoning off the oil money and allowing illegal  gas flares.
- The Chair of the IPCC, Dr Pachauri, and NASA's James Hansen have confirmed to speak in the solar tent. 
- Glenn Beck is being very rude about our film, but we don't believe he even watched it as surely he would have noted that he is in it.  (Funny Facebook response: Beck didn't like this new film, therefore, it must be GREAT. I'm going.) So we made Glenn a little cheeky video, challenging him to come down to the NY premiere and watch the damn thing. We also made a video for Jon Stewart, wondering why he didn't want us on his show. This felt like a good idea after I'd done 14 back-to-back TV interviews all round America, all from one chair in New York: the studio guys helpfully hold up cards so you continue to get the "Hello Seattle" or "Good morning Wichita" or "Hello Atlanta" right long after you have lost all track of space or time. It was in this state that the videos seemed like a good idea. 
Oh no, not another film about climate change - my second blog for the Huffington Post made it passed the selectors. 
- Screenings are now confirmed in Palestine and Israel...  please, no more emails....  we're trying to fix climate change.... 
- Think we just got our best ever review in the San Francisco Bay Guardian: "The film's opening sequence begins with the big bang and hurtles via countdown clock through billions of years, flying past the earliest stages of evolution, past dinosaurs, past the industrial revolution, and past the present day, the titular Age of Stupid, so fast that we barely have time to notice ourselves on the screen before it's 2055, the Age of Too Late. The message: in the grand scheme of things, we have about a nanosecond left...."

- Or maybe this one's even better, in Wired: "the urge to do something immediate is palpable and powerful"
- Cute school story 1: "My parents are high school teachers outside of Chicago and are taking a bunch of science students (including the environmental club) to the movie. But then today they announced it to the whole school."

- Cute school story 2: A teacher in Boston is offering her students an extra grade (or point or whatever it's called) if they attend their local screening and write up a report after. Cunning.
Entertaining stuff is coming in so fast these days that I can't keep up with it all in these mailing list messages. So we've added the Twitter feed to the front of the website. Or follow us here: http://www.twitter.com/ageofstupid. The Facebook page is also buzzing: http://www.facebook.com/ageofstupid
Here's what's happening in our small chunk of New York right now:
Lizzie - allocating seating on the sailing boat. Does the Environment Minister of a medium-sized developed nation get precedence over a minor character from a big TV show? 
Rhiannon - updating the screening info on all 63 countries. Jordan: "On a rooftop off Rainbow Street, Amman" 
Jahlia - answering a million questions on Facebook. Most popular: "Why is the cinema three hours from where I live?" and "Why is it not on in Canada?"
Deirdre - Liasing with the secret service to arrange the President of the Maldives' dash from his early evening cocktails
Tom - Trying to suck country names out of the database to make them display on the webpage offering free internet screenings for people in countries with no cinemas (it ain't working yet, before you ask)
Franny - Avoiding finalising the script for the tent by writing this mailing list
Rachel (Lizzie's sister, now drafted in) - Hand-making 300 paper fans for the tent guests as there will be no AC (for obvious emissions reasons)
Susan - measuring short pieces of rope
Andy & Mike - role-playing their green carpet appearance, minus the costumes
Nevette - Attempting to download the opening graphic which has been uploaded by Rod in Australia

Laurel - Writing up cue cards with the host's script points (which kind-of needs the finished script which I'm not finishing)
Alexandra - Choosing sustainable clothes from an eco-designer's website for the four professional models who will be gracing the green carpet catwalk
Tallane - Walking the streets of New York hand-delivering tickets to celebs' homes and hotels
Stephanie - Painting info signs for the edible decor.
So that's our Saturday night. Hope yours is going equally well. 
If you've still not booked your tickets or suddenly remembered a friend in Pakistan who might just like to join the party, here's what you need to know/tell them: 
Till tomorrow (still pretending tomorrow is not already today),